Doctrine and Covenants

The Doctrine and Covenants (sometimes abbreviated and cited as D&C or D. and C.) is a part of the open scriptural canon of several denominations of the Latter Day Saint movement. Originally published in 1835 as Doctrine and Covenants of the Church of the Latter Day Saints: Carefully Selected from the Revelations of God, editions of the book continue to be printed mainly by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church) and the Community of Christ (formerly the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (RLDS Church)).

The book originally contained two parts: a sequence of lectures setting forth basic church doctrine, followed by a compilation of important revelations, or "covenants" of the church: thus the name Doctrine and Covenants. The "doctrine" portion of the book, however, has been removed by both the LDS Church and the Community of Christ. The remaining portion of the book contains many revelations on numerous topics, most of which were dictated by the movement's founder Joseph Smith, Jr., supplemented by materials periodically added by each denomination.

Controversy has existed between the two largest denominations of the Latter Day Saint movement over some sections added to the 1876 LDS edition, attributed to founder Smith. Whereas the LDS Church believes these sections to have been revelations to Smith,[1] the RLDS Church traditionally disputed their authenticity.[2]



The Doctrine and Covenants was first published in 1835 as a later version of the Book of Commandments, which had been partially printed in 1833. This earlier book contained 65 early revelations to church leaders including Joseph Smith, Jr. and Oliver Cowdery. Before many copies of the book could be printed, however, the printing press and most of the printed copies were destroyed by a mob in Missouri.

On September 24, 1834 a committee was appointed by the general assembly of the church to organize a new volume containing the most significant Latter Day Saint revelations. This committee of Presiding Elders, consisting of Joseph Smith, Jr., Oliver Cowdery, Sidney Rigdon, and Frederick G. Williams, began to review and revise numerous revelations for inclusion in the new work. The committee eventually organized the book into two parts: a "Doctrine" part followed by a "Covenants" part.

The "Doctrine" part of the book consisted of a theological course now called the "Lectures on Faith". The Lectures were a series of doctrinal courses used in the School of the Prophets which had recently been completed in Kirtland, Ohio. According to the committee, these Lectures were included in the compilation "in consequence of their embracing the important doctrine of salvation."[3] The "Covenants" part of the book, labeled "Covenants and Commandments of the Lord, to his servants of the church of the Latter Day Saints", contained a total of 103 revelations on church governance. These 103 revelations were said to "contain items or principles for the regulation of the church, as taken from the revelations which have been given since its organization, as well as from former ones."[4] Each of the 103 revelations was assigned a "section number"; however, section 66 was used twice. Thus, the sections of the original work numbered only to 102.

On February 17, 1835, after the committee had selected the book's contents, the committee wrote that the resulting work represents "our belief, and when we say this, humbly trust, the faith and principles of this society as a body."[4]

The book was first introduced to the church body in a general conference on August 17, 1835. Joseph Smith, Jr. and Frederick G. Williams, two of the Presiding Elders on the committee, were absent, but Oliver Cowdery and Sidney Rigdon were present. The church membership at the time had not yet seen the Doctrine and Covenants manuscript as it had been compiled and revised solely by the committee; however, various church members who were familiar with the work "bore record" of the book's truth. At the end of the conference, the church "by a unanimous vote" agreed to accept the compilation as "the doctrine and covenants of their faith" and to make arrangements for its printing.[5]

In 1835, the book was printed and published under the title Doctrine and Covenants of the Church of the Latter Day Saints: Carefully Selected from the Revelations of God.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints editions

In The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church), The Doctrine and Covenants of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints stands alongside the Bible, the Book of Mormon, and The Pearl of Great Price as holy scripture. Together they are referred to as the "Standard Works". The LDS Church's version of the Doctrine and Covenants is officially described by the church as "containing revelations given to Joseph Smith, the Prophet, with some additions by his successors in the Presidency of the Church."[6]

Sections added to LDS edition

The 138 Sections in LDS Church's Doctrine and Covenants break down as follows:

The following sections are not revelations, but letters, reports, statements, and so forth: 102, 123, 127–131, 134, and 135

In 1844, the church added eight sections not included in the 1835 edition. In the current edition, these added sections are numbered 103, 105, 112, 119, 124, 127, 128, and 135.

In 1876, a new LDS Church edition renumbered most of the sections in a roughly chronological order instead of the earlier topical order, and included 26 revelations not included in previous editions, now numbered as Sections 2, 13, 77, 85, 87, 108–111, 113–118, 120–123, 125, 126, 129–132, and 136. Previous editions had been divided into verses, however, the early versifications generally followed the paragraph structure of the original text. It was with the 1876 edition that the currently used versification was first employed.

During the 1880s, five foreign editions contained two revelations to John Taylor that were received in 1882 and 1883; these revelations "set in order" the priesthood, gave more clarification about the roles of priesthood offices—especially the Seventy—and required Priesthood leaders to live plural marriage in order to qualify to hold their church positions. Probably due to the LDS Church's change in attitude to polygamy in 1890, these sections were not included in future English editions of the Doctrine and Covenants.

In 1930, a small volume edited by Apostle James E. Talmage titled Latter-day Revelations was published, which was a highly edited selective version of the Doctrine and Covenants. Some believe it was intended to replace the Doctrine and Covenants, but that due to the controversy that arose this plan was dropped. Talmage's work did not contain the section on plural marriage.[7]

Sections 137 and 138 were added to the LDS Church's 1981 edition of the Doctrine and Covenants, which is the edition currently in use by the church. These were accounts of two visions, one from Joseph Smith and the other from his nephew, Joseph F. Smith in 1918. The revelations were earlier accepted as scripture when added to The Pearl of Great Price in April 1976.[8] No new revelatory sections have been added since 1981.

The LDS Church's 1981 edition also contains two "Official Declarations" at the book's conclusion, the first renouncing polygamy in 1890, and the second in 1978 announcing the opening of priesthood ordination to all worthy male members including previously restricted members of African descent. These two "Official Declarations" are not revelations, but they serve as the formal announcements that a revelation was received. In neither case is the entire revelation included in the Doctrine and Covenants. The text of Official Declaration—1 has been included in every LDS Church printing of the Doctrine and Covenants since 1908.

Portions removed from the LDS edition

In 1876, Section 101 from the 1835 Edition (and subsequent printings) was removed. Section 101 was a Statement on Marriage as adopted by a conference of the church,[9][10] and contained the following text:

Inasmuch as this Church of Christ has been reproached with the crime of fornication and polygamy, we declare that we believe that one man should have one wife, and one woman but one husband, except in the case of death, when either is at liberty to marry again.[11]

It was superseded by section 132 of the modern LDS edition, which contains a revelation received by Joseph Smith on eternal marriage and teaches the doctrine of plural marriage.

In 1921, the LDS Church removed the "Lectures on Faith" portion of the book, with an explanation that the Lectures "were never presented to nor accepted by the Church as being otherwise than theological lectures or lessons".[12] The Lectures contain theology concerning the Godhead and emphasize the importance of faith and works.

Until 1981, editions of the book used code names for certain people and places in those sections that dealt with the United Order. The 1981 LDS edition replaced these with the real names, relegating the code names to footnotes. The Community of Christ edition still uses the code names.

Community of Christ editions

Officials of Community of Christ (formerly known as the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints) first published an edition of the Doctrine and Covenants in 1864, based on the previous 1844 edition. A General Conference of the church in 1878 approved a resolution that declared that the revelations of the Prophet–President Joseph Smith III had equal standing to those previously included in the work. Since that time, the church has continually added sections to its edition of the Doctrine and Covenants, containing the revelations of succeeding Prophet-Presidents. The most recent addition was formally authorized on April 14, 2010, after being presented to the church for informal consideration on January 17, 2010. The numbers of the sections and versification differ from the edition published by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and both modern editions differ from the original 1835 edition numeration.

Sections added to Community of Christ edition

The 166 Sections of the Community of Christ's Doctrine and Covenants break down as follows:

The following sections are not revelations, but letters, reports, statements, and so forth: 99, 108A, 109–113, and 123.

Based on the above, the number of revelations (accounting for sections that are not revelations) presented by each Community of Christ prophet, are as follows:

Portions removed from the Community of Christ edition

Community of Christ removed the "Lectures on Faith" ("Doctrine" portion of the work) in 1897. The 1970 World Conference concluded that several sections that had been added between the 1835 and 1844 editions—mainly dealing with the subjects of temple worship and baptism for the dead—had been published without proper approval of a church conference. The World Conference removed Sections 107, 109, 110, 113 and 123 to a historical appendix (which also included documents that were never published as sections). Of these, only Section 107 was a revelation. The World Conference of 1990 subsequently removed the entire appendix from the Doctrine and Covenants. Section 108A contained the minutes of a business meeting, which, because of its historical nature, was moved to the Introduction in the 1970s. After 1990, the Introduction was updated, and what was section 108A was removed entirely.

Doctrinal Developments in the Community of Christ edition

The ongoing additions to the Community of Christ edition provide a record of the leadership changes and doctrinal developments within the denomination. When W. Grant McMurray became Prophet–President, he declared that instruction specific to leadership changes would no longer be included, so that the focus of the work could be more doctrinal in nature, and less administrative. The record of these leadership changes are still maintained in the form of published letters of counsel. Prophet–President Stephen M. Veazey has conformed to this pattern. Although these letters are not formally published in the Doctrine and Covenants, they are still deemed to be inspired, and are dealt with in the same manner that revelations are (that is,, they must be deliberated and approved by the voting members of a World Conference).

A modern revelation that resulted in some "disaffection" and "led to intense conflict in scattered areas of the RLDS Church"[13] is contained in the Community of Christ version's Section 156,[14] presented by Prophet-President Wallace B. Smith and added in 1984, which called for construction of the Independence Temple and the ordination of women to the priesthood, among other changes.

While some of the prose in the new revelations seems designed to guide the denomination on matters of church governance and doctrine, others are seen as inspirational. One such example can be cited from Section 161, presented as counsel to the church by W. Grant McMurray in 1996: "Become a people of the Temple—those who see violence but proclaim peace, who feel conflict yet extend the hand of reconciliation, who encounter broken spirits and find pathways for healing."

Editions used by other denominations

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Strangite) uses the 1846 edition that was published in Nauvoo, Illinois; this version is virtually identical to the 1844 edition. Most recently a facsimile reprint was produced for the church at Voree, Wisconsin by Richard Drew in 1993.

The Church of Christ (Temple Lot) contends that the thousands of changes made to the original revelations as published in the Book of Commandments (including the change of the church's name) are not doctrinal and result from Joseph Smith's fall from his original calling. As a result, the Church of Christ (Temple Lot) prefers to use reprints of the Book of Commandments text.

The Restoration Branches generally use the older RLDS Church Doctrine and Covenants, typically sections 1–144.

The Remnant Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints also uses the older RLDS Church version of the Doctrine and Covenants up to section 144, and also contains new revelations from their prophet–president Frederick Niels Larsen. These new sections are R 145–R 153.

Chart comparison of editions

The following chart compares the current editions of the Doctrine and Covenants used by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS ed.) and the Community of Christ (CofC ed.) with the 1833 Book of Commandments (BofC), the 1835 edition published in Kirtland, and the 1844 edition published in Nauvoo. Unless otherwise specified, the document is styled a "revelation" of the person delivering it.

LDS ed. CofC ed. BofC
Kirtland ed.
Nauvoo ed.
Date Delivered by Description
1 1 1 1 1 1831-11-01 Joseph Smith Lord’s 'Preface'
2 1823-09-21 Joseph Smith (angelic visitation) Moroni’s visit to Joseph Smith
3 2 2 30 30 1828-07-?? Joseph Smith lost 116 pages
4 4 3 31 31 1829-02-?? Joseph Smith To Joseph Smith, Sr.
5 5 4 32 32 1829-03-?? Joseph Smith To Martin Harris; golden plates
6 6 5 8 8 1829-04-?? Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery To Oliver Cowdery
7 7 6 33 33 1829-04-?? Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery To Joseph Smith, Oliver Cowdery; John the Apostle
8 8 7 34 34 1829-04-?? Joseph Smith To Oliver Cowdery; Book of Mormon translation
9 9 8 35 35 1829-04-?? Joseph Smith To Oliver Cowdery; Book of Mormon translation
10 3 9 36 36 1828-??-?? (Summer) Joseph Smith lost 116 pages
11 10 10 37 37 1829-05-?? Joseph Smith To Hyrum Smith
12 11 11 38 38 1829-05-?? Joseph Smith To Joseph Knight, Sr.
13 1829-05-15 Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery (angelic visitation) Conferral of Aaronic priesthood by John the Baptist
14 12 12 39 39 1829-06-?? Joseph Smith To David Whitmer
15 13 13 40 40 1829-06-?? Joseph Smith To John Whitmer
16 14 14 41 41 1829-06-?? Joseph Smith To Peter Whitmer, Jr.
17 15 42 42 1829-06-?? Joseph Smith To Three Witnesses
18 16 15 43 43 1829-06-?? Joseph Smith, Oliver Cowdery, and David Whitmer selection of Twelve Apostles
19 18 16 44 44 1830-03-?? Joseph Smith To Martin Harris
20 17 24 2 2 1830-04-06 Joseph Smith Church organization and government
21 19 22 46 46 1830-04-06 Joseph Smith Joseph Smith’s calling
22 20 23 47 47 1830-04-?? Joseph Smith baptism
23 21 17-21 45 45 1830-04-?? Joseph Smith To Oliver Cowdery, Hyrum Smith, Samuel H. Smith, Joseph Smith, Sr., Joseph Knight, Sr.
24 23 25 9 9 1830-07-?? Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery Callings of Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery
25 24 26 48 48 1830-07-?? Joseph Smith To Emma Smith
26 25 27 49 49 1830-07-?? Joseph Smith, Oliver Cowdery, and John Whitmer Common consent
27 26 28 50 50 1830-08-?? Joseph Smith Sacrament and priesthood ordinations
28 27 30 51 51 1830-09-?? Joseph Smith To Oliver Cowdery; Joseph Smith to receive revelations until another appointed
29 28 29 10 10 1830-09-?? Joseph Smith To six elders; Second Coming; origin of Satan; redemption of children
30 29 31-33 52 52 1830-09-?? Joseph Smith To David Whitmer, Peter Whitmer, Jr., John Whitmer
31 30 34 53 53 1830-09-?? Joseph Smith To Thomas B. Marsh
32 31 54 54 1830-10-?? Joseph Smith To Parley P. Pratt and Ziba Peterson
33 32 35 55 55 1830-10-?? Joseph Smith To Ezra Thayre and Northrop Sweet
34 33 36 56 56 1830-11-04 Joseph Smith To Orson Pratt
35 34 37 11 11 1830-12-?? Joseph Smith and Sidney Rigdon Callings Joseph Smith and Sidney Rigdon; signs and miracles; the elect
36 35 38 57 57 1830-12-?? Joseph Smith To Edward Partridge
37 37 39 58 58 1830-12-?? Joseph Smith and Sidney Rigdon Saints to gather in Ohio
38 38 40 12 12 1831-01-02 Joseph Smith equality; wars
39 39 41 59 59 1831-01-05 Joseph Smith To James Covill
40 40 42 60 60 1831-01-?? Joseph Smith and Sidney Rigdon concerning James Covill
41 41 43 61 61 1831-02-04 Joseph Smith To the church; Edward Partridge called as bishop
42 42 44, 47 13 13 1831-02-09 Joseph Smith "the law" of the church
43 43 45 14 14 1831-02-?? Joseph Smith Role of President of the Church; missionary work; forces of nature
44 44 46 62 62 1831-02-?? Joseph Smith and Sidney Rigdon Church conference called
45 45 48 15 15 1831-03-07 Joseph Smith Matthew chapter 24 explained; missionary work; Christ as advocate
46 46 49 16 16 1831-03-08 Joseph Smith sacrament meeting, gifts of the Spirit
47 47 50 63 63 1831-03-08 Joseph Smith John Whitmer to keep history of church
48 48 51 64 64 1831-03-?? Joseph Smith purchase of lands
49 49 52 65 65 1831-03-?? Joseph Smith To Joseph Smith, Sidney Rigdon, Parley P. Pratt and Leman Copley; Shaker beliefs
50 50 53 17 17 1831-05-?? Joseph Smith Recognizing the Spirit
51 51 23 23 1831-05-?? Joseph Smith property division
52 52 54 66 66 1831-06-07 Joseph Smith sending elders to Missouri
53 53 55 66[15] 67 1831-06-?? Joseph Smith To A. Sidney Gilbert
54 54 56 67 68 1831-06-?? Joseph Smith To Newel Knight
55 55 57 68 69 1831-06-?? Joseph Smith To W.W. Phelps
56 56 58 69 70 1831-06-?? Joseph Smith the rebellious; the rich and the poor
57 57 27 27 1831-07-20 Joseph Smith location of Zion at Jackson County, Missouri
58 58 59 18 28 1831-08-01 Joseph Smith tribulations; gather to Zion
59 59 60 19 19 1831-08-07 Joseph Smith the sabbath; reward for the righteous
60 60 61 70 71 1831-08-08 Joseph Smith elders to travel to Cincinnati; missionary work
61 61 62 71 72 1831-08-12 Joseph Smith "destruction upon the waters"
62 62 63 72 73 1831-08-13 Joseph Smith missionary work
63 63 64 20 20 1831-08-?? Joseph Smith signs; mysteries; impending war and woe; gather to Zion; authority to use Lord's name
64 64 65[16] 21 21 1831-09-11 Joseph Smith forgiveness; financial debt; tithing; Zion to flourish
65 65 24 24 1831-10-?? Joseph Smith (prayer) Prayer of Joseph Smith; keys of the kingdom
66 66 74 75 1831-10-25 Joseph Smith To William E. M’Lellin
67 67 25 25 1831-11-?? Joseph Smith testimony of the Book of Commandments
68 68 22 22 1831-11-?? Joseph Smith To Orson Hyde, Luke S. Johnson, Lyman E. Johnson and William E. M’Lellin; ; bishops; parents
69 69 28 28 1831-11-?? Joseph Smith Assignments for John Whitmer
70 70 26 26 1831-11-12 Joseph Smith stewardship; equality
71 71 90 91 1831-12-01 Joseph Smith and Sidney Rigdon Joseph Smith and Sidney Rigdon called to preach
72 72 89 90 1831-12-04 Joseph Smith bishops
73 73 29 29 1832-01-10 Joseph Smith and Sidney Rigdon Joseph Smith Translation of the Bible
74 74 73 74 1832-01-?? Joseph Smith Explanation of 1 Corinthians 7:14; salvation of children
75 75 87 88 1832-01-25 Joseph Smith missionary work; families of missionaries
76 76 91 92 1832-02-16 Joseph Smith and Sidney Rigdon (vision) Jesus Christ; resurrection; degrees of glory; origin of Satan
77 1832-03-?? Joseph Smith certain verses from Revelation explained
78 77 75 76 1832-03-?? Joseph Smith United Order; equality
79 78 76 77 1832-03-?? Joseph Smith To Jared Carter
80 79 77 78 1832-03-?? Joseph Smith To Stephen Burnett and Eden Smith
81 80 79 80 1832-03-?? Joseph Smith To Jesse Gause; on March 18, 1833 application transferred to Frederick G. Williams
82 81 86 87 1832-04-26 Joseph Smith obedience; United Order; equality
83 82 88 89 1832-04-26 Joseph Smith husbands and fathers; widows and orphans
84 83 4 4 1832-09-23 Joseph Smith priesthood
85 1832-11-17 Joseph Smith (letter) Letter from Joseph Smith to W.W. Phelps; United Order; One Mighty and Strong; equality
86 84 6 6 1832-12-06 Joseph Smith Parable of the Tares explained
87 1832-12-25 Joseph Smith prophecy of war, calamity
88 85 7 7 1832-12-27/28; 1833-01-03 Joseph Smith the "olive leaf"; "Lord's message of peace"
89 86 80 81 1833-02-27 Joseph Smith A word of wisdom
90 87 84 85 1833-03-08 Joseph Smith keys of the kingdom; First Presidency
91 88 92 93 1833-03-09 Joseph Smith the Apocrypha
92 89 93 94 1833-03-15 Joseph Smith To Frederick G. Williams
93 90 82 83 1833-05-06 Joseph Smith John’s record of Christ; intelligence; innocence of children
94 91 83 84 1833-05-06 Joseph Smith To Hyrum Smith, Reynolds Cahoon and Jared Carter; construction of various buildings commanded
95 92 95 96 1833-06-01 Joseph Smith temple to be built; purpose of temples
96 93 96 97 1833-06-04 Joseph Smith division of property
97 94 81 82 1833-08-02 Joseph Smith Saints in Jackson County, Missouri; temple to be built in Jackson County, Missouri
98 95 85 86 1833-08-06 Joseph Smith promises and warnings; martyrs; when war is justified; forgiving enemies
99 96 78 79 1832-08-??[17] Joseph Smith To John Murdock
100 97 94 95 1833-10-12 Joseph Smith and Sidney Rigdon Joseph Smith and Sidney Rigdon to preach gospel; Rigdon to be Smith's spokesman; welfare of Orson Hyde and John Gould
101 98 97 98 1833-12-16 Joseph Smith redemption of Zion; parables; United States and U.S. Constitution; Saints to seek redress
102 99 5 5 1834-02-17 Oliver Cowdery and Orson Hyde (minutes of meeting) Minutes for first high council meeting
103 100 101 1834-02-24 Joseph Smith redemption of Zion; organization of Zion’s Camp
104 101 98 99 1834-04-24 Joseph Smith United Order
105 102 102 1834-06-22 Joseph Smith redemption of Zion; purpose of Kirtland Temple; peace
106 103 99 100 1834-11-25 Joseph Smith To Warren A. Cowdery; Second Coming
107 104 3 3 1835-03-28 - completed; various times prior Joseph Smith priesthood; quorums
108 1835-12-26 Joseph Smith To Lyman Sherman
109 1836-03-27 Joseph Smith (prayer) Dedicatory prayer for Kirtland Temple
110 1836-04-03 Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery (vision and angelic visitations) Visitation of Jesus Christ to accept Kirtland Temple; conferral of priesthood keys; coming of Elijah
111 1836-08-06 Joseph Smith temporal needs of the church
112 105 104 1837-07-23 Joseph Smith To Thomas B. Marsh; Quorum of the Twelve Apostles; First Presidency
113 1838-03-?? Joseph Smith (answers to questions) Answers to questions on the Book of Isaiah provided by Joseph Smith
114 1838-04-17 Joseph Smith concerning David W. Patten
115 1838-04-17 Joseph Smith name of the church; stakes; temple to be built at Far West, Missouri
116 1838-05-19 Joseph Smith Adam-ondi-Ahman
117 1838-07-08 Joseph Smith concerning William Marks, Newel K. Whitney and Oliver Granger; property; sacrifice
118 1838-07-08 Joseph Smith vacancies in the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles filled
119 106 107 1838-07-08 Joseph Smith tithing
120 1838-07-08 Joseph Smith Council on the Disposition of the Tithes
121 1839-03-20 Joseph Smith (prayer and prophecies) Prayer and prophecies of Joseph Smith; why many are called but few chosen
122 1839-03-?? Joseph Smith destiny of Joseph Smith
123 1839-03-?? Joseph Smith (letter) Letter to church; duty in relation to their persecutors
124 107[18] 103 1841-01-19 Joseph Smith Nauvoo Temple and Nauvoo House to be built; baptism for the dead
125 1841-03-?? Joseph Smith Saints in Iowa
126 1841-07-09 Joseph Smith To Brigham Young
127 109[18] 105 1842-09-01 Joseph Smith (letter) Letter to church; baptism for the dead
128 110[18] 106 1842-09-06 Joseph Smith (letter) Letter to church; baptism for the dead
129 1843-02-09 Joseph Smith (instructions) distinguishing the nature of angels and disembodied spirits
130 1843-04-02 Joseph Smith (instruction) Various items of instruction; corporeal nature of God and Jesus Christ; intelligence; seer stones
131 1843-05-17 Joseph Smith (instruction) Various items of instruction; celestial marriage; eternal life
132 1843-07-12 Joseph Smith plural marriage; celestial marriage; sealing power; exaltation
133 108 100 108 1831-11-03 Joseph Smith original "Appendix"; Second Coming; missionary work
134 112 102 110 1835-08-15 Church (declaration) secular governments and laws in general
135 113[18] 111 1844-06-27 John Taylor (eulogy) Martyrdom of Joseph Smith and Hyrum Smith
136 1847-01-14 Brigham Young Organization of Mormon pioneer westward journey
137[19] 1836-01-21 Joseph Smith (vision) salvation for the dead; salvation of little children
138[19] 1918-10-03 Joseph F. Smith (vision) Jesus Christ preached to spirits in prison; salvation for the dead
OD—1 1890-09-24 Wilford Woodruff (declaration) cessation of plural marriage
OD—2 1978-06-08 Spencer W. Kimball, N. Eldon Tanner, Marion G. Romney (declaration) cessation of priesthood restrictions based on race
[20] 22[21] 1830-06-?? Joseph Smith God’s words to Moses
[22] 36[23] 1830-12-?? Joseph Smith Prophecy of Enoch
108A 103 1835-08-17 Thomas Burdick, Warren Parrish, and Sylvester Smith (minutes of meeting) General meeting of the quorums of the church to consider the labors of the committee charged with organizing publication of the revelations into a book
111 101 109 1835-08-17 Church (declaration) Declaration on marriage; one spouse only
114 1861-10-07 Joseph Smith III (letter) Tithing
115 1863-03-?? Joseph Smith III Calling of William Marks
116 1865-05-04 Joseph Smith III Priesthood ordination of other races
117 1873-04-10 Joseph Smith III Changes in leadership positions
118 1882-09-28 Joseph Smith III Foreign missions
119 1887-04-11 Joseph Smith III Instructions to the elders
120 1890-04-08 Joseph Smith III Branch and district presidents
121 1885-04-11 Joseph Smith III Changes in leadership positions
122 1894-04-15 Joseph Smith III Duties of quorums
123[18] 1894-04-20 Joint council of the First Presidency, Council of Twelve Apostles, and Presiding Bishopric (report) Lamoni College; church publications; relations with LDS Church; doctrinal tracts; interpretation of various scriptures; gospel boat; branch in Detroit
124 1894-04-?? Joseph Smith III Changes in leadership positions
125 1901-04-15 Joseph Smith III patriarchs; foreign missions
126 1902-04-16 Joseph Smith III (vision) quorums
127 1906-04-14 Joseph Smith III Sanitarium
128 1909-04-18 Joseph Smith III Organization and colonization
129 1909-04-18 Joseph Smith III Changes in leadership positions
130 1913-04-14 Joseph Smith III Changes in leadership positions
131 1914-04-14 Joseph Smith III Presiding Bishopric
132 1916-04-05 Frederick M. Smith Presiding Bishop
133 1920-04-07 Frederick M. Smith Missionary work
134 1922-10-02 Frederick M. Smith Changes in leadership positions
135 1925-04-18 Frederick M. Smith Changes in leadership positions
136 1932-04-14 Frederick M. Smith Changes in leadership positions; unity
137 1938-04-07 Frederick M. Smith Changes in leadership positions
138 1940-04-10 Frederick M. Smith Changes in leadership positions; work toward Zion
139 1946-04-09 Israel A. Smith Changes in leadership positions
140 1947-04-07 Israel A. Smith Changes in leadership positions; Zion
141 1948-10-02 Israel A. Smith Changes in leadership positions; counsel
142 1950-04-02 Israel A. Smith Commendation; urge to work
143 1954-04-07 Israel A. Smith Changes in leadership positions; counsel
144 1954-04-07 Israel A. Smith (letter) New Church President named
145 1958-10-08 W. Wallace Smith Changes in leadership positions
146 1960-04-02 W. Wallace Smith Changes in leadership positions; unity commended
147 1964-03-11 W. Wallace Smith Changes in leadership positions; stewardship
148 1966-04-18 W. Wallace Smith Changes in leadership positions; counsel
149 1968-04-01 W. Wallace Smith Changes in leadership positions; relationship between ministerial programs; prepare to build temple at Independence
149A 1968-04-05 W. Wallace Smith Clarification of 149
150 1972-04-14 W. Wallace Smith Changes in leadership positions; counsel on culture; temple preparation; ecology
151 1974-04-01 W. Wallace Smith Changes in leadership positions; reconciliation
152 1976-03-29 W. Wallace Smith New precedent on Presidential succession; Presidential successor named; changes in leadership positions; reconciliation
153 1978-04-06 Wallace B. Smith New Church President; changes in leadership positions; counsel on outreach
154 1980-04-08 Wallace B. Smith Changes in leadership positions; counsel on outreach
155 1982-03-29 Wallace B. Smith Changes in leadership positions; counsel on witness
156 1984-04-03 Wallace B. Smith Purpose of Independence Temple; priesthood opened to women; changes in leadership positions
157 1988-04-12 Wallace B. Smith Changes in leadership positions; unity; humility
158 1992-04-05 Wallace B. Smith Changes in leadership positions; the spiritual life
159 1994-04-10 Wallace B. Smith Changes in leadership positions; trusting the Spirit; Independence Temple accepted
160 1996-04-14 Wallace B. Smith New Church President named
161 2000-04-04 W. Grant McMurray Proclaim peace; reach out; patience; embrace differences; respect tradition
162 2004-03-29 W. Grant McMurray Be a prophetic people; diversity; tithing
163 2007-03-29 Stephen M. Veazey Strive for peace; missionary work; use and misuse of scripture; equality; generosity
164 2010-01-17 Stephen M. Veazey Effects of baptism, confirmation, and sacrament of the Lord's Supper; cultural awareness and sensitivity; flexibility in number of quorums of seventy; accelerate evangelism


  1. ^ Section 132,, accessed December 26, 2008
  2. ^ Differences between the RLDS and LDS Doctrine and Covenants on the subject of Marriage, accessed December 26, 2008
  3. ^ See 1835 D&C, Preface.
  4. ^ a b See id.
  5. ^ Joseph Smith, B.F. Roberts (ed.) (1902). History of the Church, 2:243-46.
  6. ^ LDS 1981 D&C Title Page
  7. ^ Covenant 132
  8. ^ "Scriptural Text for Visions Added to Pearl of Great Price". Ensign: 127. May 1976. 
  9. ^ History of the Church, vol. 2, at 247 (August 1835)
  10. ^ Messenger and Advocate (Aug 1835), at 163
  11. ^ Doctrine and Covenants [1835 Edition] 101:4
  12. ^ See Introduction, 1921 edition.
  13. ^ Howard, R.P. (1992) Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (RLDS Church), Encyclopedia of Mormonism, New York: Macmillan, 1:1211
  14. ^ D&C Section 156
  15. ^ This section was mistakenly numbered LXVI, the same as the previous section. This numbering error was corrected in the Nauvoo edition, thus changing the number of all subsequent sections.
  16. ^ Incomplete; due to the loss of printed pages, all copies of the Book of Commandments end in the middle of this revelation.
  17. ^ Some older LDS and RLDS editions mistakenly date this revelation to August 1833.
  18. ^ a b c d e Placed in the Appendix at the 1970 World Conference; the Appendix was removed completely by the 1990 World Conference.
  19. ^ a b Originally included in the LDS Church’s Pearl of Great Price.
  20. ^ Included in the LDS Pearl of Great Price as Moses 1:1-42.
  21. ^ Approved by the 1970 World Conference.
  22. ^ Included in the LDS Pearl of Great Price as Moses 7:1-69.
  23. ^ Approved by the 1970 World Conference; Genesis 7:1-78 in the Joseph Smith Translation of the Bible.


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